My Research Statement (from 2023) can be found here.
12. Sovereign Spreads and the Political Leaning of Nations
with Johnny Cotoc and Alok Johri
International Economic Review, Accepted, August 2024. PDF Featured in the NBER Digest
11. Reserve Accumulation, Macroeconomic Stabilization, and Sovereign Risk
with Javier Bianchi
Review of Economic Studies, Volume 91, Issue 4, July 2024, pages 2053–2103.
PDF WP Version Journal link Slides Twitter thread
10. Borrowing from China and Sovereign Credit Risk
with Illenin Kondo and Astghik Mkhitaryan
AEA P&P, 114:148-152, May 2024. PDF
9. On Wars, Sanctions, and Sovereign Default
with Javier Bianchi
Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 141, January 2024. PDF Journal link Slides Twitter thread Mpls Fed Interview
8. The Macroeconomic Consequences of International Financial Sanctions
with Javier Bianchi
AEA P&P, 113:29–32, May 2023. PDF
7. Does It Matter How Central Banks Accumulate Reserves? Evidence from Sovereign Spreads
with Federico Sturzenegger
Journal of International Economics, Volume 140, January 2023.
PDF NBER WP version Slides Code repository
6. Interest Rate Uncertainty and Sovereign Default Risk
with Alok Johri and Shahed K. Khan
Journal of International Economics, Volume 139, November 2022.
PDF (w/ Appendix) JIE version Journal link Code repository
5. Trade Liberalization and Firm Productivity: Estimation Methods Matter
with John Kealy and Pau S. Pujolàs
Economic Inquiry, Volume 57(3), July 2019, pages 1272-1283.
PDF Online appendix Journal link BibTex
4. Sovereign Defaults and Banking Crises
Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 99, November 2018, pages 88-105.
PDF Online appendix Journal link BibTex
3. Debt Dilution and Sovereign Default Risk
with Juan Carlos Hatchondo and Leonardo Martinez
Journal of Political Economy, Volume 124, October 2016, pages 1383-1422.
PDF Older WP version Journal link BibTex
2. Voluntary Sovereign Debt Exchanges
with Juan Carlos Hatchondo and Leonardo Martinez
Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 61, January 2014, pages 32-50.
PDF Journal link BibTex
1. Firms’ Financing, Contract Enforcement and Liability Dollarization
Journal of Centrum Cathedra, Vol. 3, No. 1. March 2010. Lead Article. Link
Working Papers
International Reserve Management under Rollover Crises
with Mauricio Barbosa-Alves and Javier Bianchi. Revise and Resubmit at the Quarterly Journal of Economics [May ‘24 pdf] [Slides]
Hidden Debt Revelations
with Sebastian Horn, David Mihalyi, and Philipp Nickol. Reject and Resubmit at the Quarterly Journal of Economics [August ‘24 pdf] [NBER WP version] [Slides]
Media coverage: The Economist (link, PDF), Planet Money (link), Nada es Gratis (link), Newswise (link)
Sovereign Debt Standstills
with Juan Carlos Hatchondo and Leonardo Martinez. 2nd Round Revise and Resubmit to JPE Macro. [May ‘24 pdf] [NBER WP version] [Slides]
International Sanctions and Dollar Dominance
with Javier Bianchi. Revised and Resubmitted at The Economic Journal [December ‘24 pdf]
Optimal Bailouts in Banking and Sovereign Crises
with Sewon Hur and Zeynep Yom. Revise and Resubmit at Journal of International Economics. [February ‘24 pdf] [NBER WP version] [Slides] [Sewon’s Dallas Fed Blogpost]
The Political Economy of Macroprudential Policies and Capital Flows
with Javier Bianchi and Carlos Bolivar. [Preliminary draft – January ‘25] [Slides]
A Model of Geoeconomic Fragmentation
with Javier Bianchi. [Preliminary draft – November ‘24]
Borrowing in the Shadow of China
with Illenin Kondo, Astghik Mkhitaryan and Zach Swaziek. [September ‘22 pdf] New draft coming soon.
Central Bank Swap Lines as Bilateral Sovereign Debt
with Francisco Roldan. [Slides] Early draft available upon request.
Policy Papers
- Fiscal rules: Coping with Revenue Volatility in Lesotho and Swaziland
with J.Honda, F. Im, N. Koliadina, M. Morgan, M. Nose and J. Torres. IMF African Department WP. [link]
Work in Progress
Non-Homothetic Debt Intolerance (with Eugenio Rojas and Felipe Saffie)
Equilibrium Repression (with Zach Stangebye)
A Quantitative Analysis of ESBies (with Juan Carlos Hatchondo and Leonardo Martinez) [Extended abstract]
(Selected) Discussions
World Financial Cycles (by Y. Bai, P. Kehoe, P. Lopez and F. Perri) Women in Macroeconomics Conference (May 2024, UChicago–BFI) [Slides]
Capital Flow Management Measures and Dollarization (by E. Andreasen and V. Nuguer) ND-ITAM PODER Conference (August 2023) [Slides]
Preemptive Austerity with Rollover Risk (by J.C. Conesa and T. Kehoe) JIE-Mpls Fed Conference (November 2022) [Slides]
Reserve Accumulation, Growth and Financial Crises (by G. Benigno, L. Fornaro and M. Wolf) JIE-IADB-Central Bank of Chile Conference on Financial Frictions (May 2021) [Slides]
Deadly Debt Crises: COVID-19 in Emerging Markets (by C. Arellano, Y. Bai and G. Mihalache) Sovereign Debt Virtual Workshop (August 2020, FRB Richmond) [Slides]
Greed vs. Fear: Optimal Time-Consistent Taxation with Default (by A. Karantounias) Joint Central Bankers’ Conference (October 2019) [Slides]
Optimal Domestic (and External) Sovereign Default (by P. D’Erasmo and E. Mendoza) Atlanta Workshop on International Economics (December 2017) [Slides]